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VEOMA važnih 18 "Teslijanskih minuta":

PIŠE: Dipl.Eng. Goran Marjanović, Beograd
Nehercijanske Tehnologije Nikole Tesle - osnov 3. tehnološke revolucije:
“Univerzalna Matrica Kreacije” ima hologramsku strukturu fraktalnog tipa tako da svaka promena u duhovnom aspektu Realnosti automatizmom suptilno-energetskih tokova ima za posledicu odgovarajuće promene u materijalnom aspektu realnosti. Važi naravno i obrnuto.
Vraćanjem ka Teslinim Eterskim Tehnologijama fokus svesnosti civilizacije se pomera sa procesa nekoherentnih Prirodnim tokovima evolucije ka onima koji su u punoj harmoniji sa principima Kreatora.
Na taj način pokreću se afirmativno-kreativni, vitalizirajući procesi koji civilizaciji obezbedjuju uspon na lestvici svesnosti i samim tim napredak u svim aspektima življenja.
"Non-Hertzian" Technology of Nikola Tesla - base of the 3rd technological revolution:
The "Universal Matrix of Creation" has a holographic structure of a fractal type, so any change in the spiritual aspect of Reality via the action of automatic subtle-energy flow-mechanism results in a corresponding change in the material aspect of reality. Of course, vice versa is also true.
By returning to Tesla's Ether Technologies, focus of the civilization`s consciousness shifts from the processes that are incoherent with Natural Evolution Flows to those which are in full harmony with the principles of the Creator.
In this way, a lot of affirmatively-creative vitalizing processes are being initiated, providing the rise in the awareness scale of civilization and thus the progress in all aspects of life.

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Zadnje ažuriranje subota, 16 februar 2019 17:20
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