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With dr. Sam Osmanagich (S), Aafke Douma (A), Rob Heiligers (R), dog Sunny and a small group of Dutch people who joined us in the Ravne tunnels. We sit on…
Anthroplogy professor, pyramid researcher and discoverer of the Bosnian Pyramids Dr. Sam Osmanagich (www.samosmanagich.com) argues why known pharaohs were not builders of most magnificent temples, statues and pyramids in ancient…
By: Dr. Sam Osmanagich The fairies of the Egyptologists about the pyramids being the tombs of Pharaoh, came to an end. Pyramid complexes on the Giza plateau were not built…
La più grande scoperta dei nostri giorni, la rivoluzione dell'arceologia. Le piramidi in Bosnia e della presenza di energia orgonica, intervista al dottor Sam Osmanagich MORE >>>
Two world-renowned explorers of megalithic sites, Michael Tellinger (South Africa) and Dr. Sam Osmanagich (Bosnia/USA) bring to light stone circles phenomenon. Thousands of stone circles, channels and teraces in southern…
Visit to great explorer, author and scientist Michael Tellinger in his headquarter in Waterval Boven in South Africa: amazing Stone Circle Museum and Labyrinth of Intentions. PLAYLIST: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL1Ww_1pfGCkq8ol9ffz8S8w4HyPrBpvHJ 1. Michael Tellinger Stone…
The arrival of a large number of Slovaks in Visoko every year is a result of the systematic and dedicated work of the 'Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun'…
Piše: dr. Semir Osmanagić U Swaziland (službeno novo ime države je Eswatini) ulazim s istraživačem Michael Tellingerom iz Južne Afrike. Cilj nam je posjetiti najstariji rudnik željezne rude na svijetu…
Emerging engineering description of ancient balancing rocks near Great Zimbabwe with Dr Sam Osmanagić.
By: dr. Sam Osmanagich I enter Swaziland (the official name of the country is Eswatini) with researcher Michael Tellinger of South Africa. Our goal is to visit the oldest iron…

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Video zapis iz Bosanske doline piramida 2014

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