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Bosnian pyramids and the tunnels of longevity in Visoko

Interview with Semir Osmanagić founder of the Foundation “Bosnian valley of pyramids”- by Vanja Kovačev

“I don’t lead, I serve”

Bosnia is a land of wonders! It has always been that in many aspects – natural wonders, the amazing people diversity, charming and famous pan-Jugoslav humour, a multifaceted warm hart for everybody, a unique multi-ethnic whirl and best model of “Brotherhood and Unity” -a slogan of the League of Communists of Yugoslavia that was coined during the Yugoslav People’s Liberation War (1941–45) which evolved into a guiding principle of Yugoslavia’s post-war inter-ethnic policy. Bosnia is the birthplace of many extraordinary people, beautiful mixed marriages and romances… but also is, according to Semir Osmanagich, the cradle of the ancient civilisation that has built Bosnian pyramids.  Many have already visited Sam’s Valley of pyramids and many plans to do it soon; The best tennis player in the world Novak Djoković visited Visoko 3 times and is a good friend of our today’s interlocutor dr Sam Osmanagich.

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Last modified on Wednesday, 12 January 2022 12:59

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