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Saturday, March 4, 2023 was the holiday of the real truth about the past directed by pyramid researcher Dr. Sam Osmanagich. He held a three-hour lecture in a crowded hall with 350 seats in the center of the capital of the Czech Republic, Prague. He was interrupted several times by applause, and at the end he received a standing ovation.

Argumentatively and convincingly, Dr. Osmanagich spoke about why "almost everything they teach us about the ancient history is wrong." The world of the past was the world of pyramids, and the Bosnian pyramids project went the furthest in deciphering them. Real scientists, through repeated measurements, have proven that pyramids amplify natural energy sources that bring benefits for human health, communication, improvement of water, food, immunity, bioenergetic field (aura), etc.

The old paradigm is collapsing, a new one is born.

A third of those present in the hall had already been to Visoko. Some even more than once. It was touching to see the members of the diaspora from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia and Serbia warmly greeting Osmanagich and thanking him for his work, especially in the past three years.

Most of the 100 Czechs who bought the just-released book in the Czech language "My story - The Secrets of the Bosnian pyramids Revealed" announced their arrival in Visoko this summer, some this spring. Czechs are the most loyal and numerous visitors from Central Europe and will remain so. And they come to Visoko at the invitation of Dr. Sam Osmanagich, who regularly makes promotional tours in different parts of the Czech Republic, and after the initial visits, word of mouth and recommendations spread.

Last modified on Thursday, 09 March 2023 20:39






Video clip from Visit to Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids 2014

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