Monday, 17 October 2022 16:15 Published in NewsIn October 2022, the researcher of megalithic and pyramid sites around the world, Dr. Sam Osmanagich, visited several sites of the "Montana megaliths" accompanied by their finder, Julie Ryder.
In the northernmost American state of Montana, in Jefferson County, in the remote mountains, Julie managed to find the remains of a long-gone civilization in the last ten years. What is left behind are megalithic walls, dolmens, circles and balancing rocks. Enthusiastic and open-minded, with an insight into the physical and spiritual dimension, she tirelessly researches and has so far recorded 140 sites of archaeological interest.
These locations are not open to the public, and Julie does not provide their coordinates in order to protect them from possible vandalism. Only a few have the opportunity to visit them.
When she was asked for one wish a year ago, she wished to be visited by the discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids Dr. Sam Osmanagich, because of his erudition, fight for scientific truth and personal integrity. Her wish came true in October 2022.
The two of them visited several locations where Dr. Osmanagich inspected megalithic granite structures, measured them and determined their mass, using scientific instruments to determine the values of basic parameters such as electromagnetic field, ultrasound, electric field, infrasound, magnetism, radio frequencies, level of orgone energy, concentration of negative and positive ions, determined the orientation of megalithic structures with a compass, etc.
After the field visit, Dr. Osmanagich held a public lecture on October 14, 2022 in the large hall of St. Paul's United Methodist Church in front of more than a hundred citizens of Montana's capital, Helena.
On that occasion, he publicly confirmed the artificial character of these structures. He thus became the first international, independent expert to assert that these structures are the product of an intelligent hand. There is no precise answer regarding the builder and the time of construction. However, given the level of destruction, it can be concluded that these sites were exposed to catastrophic tidal waves that took place at the end of the last Ice Age about 12,000 years ago. It is interesting that Montana was at the border of the ice sheet.
It is just another confirmation of the existence of pre-diluvial civilizations that had the ability to shape, transport and manipulate huge granite blocks. The orientation of the megalithic structures is either according to the path of the Sun during the winter solstice, or to the cardinal points north-south, which is another proof of their artificial character.
More about these locations in the upcoming documentary.
My name is Michael Paumgarten. I´m an Austrian musician. I´m very glad that I succeeded (with the help of a musician from Napoli/Italy – Guglielmo Rubino) in composing a song about the 5 pyramids of Visoko, called “Viosoko, Tal der Pyramiden”.
We published it on youtube:
This song was written during a magical journey into the valley of the Bosnian pyramids of Visoko, together with my companion Aranda.
While four of the five pyramids symbolize the fundamental aspects of life - earth, moon, sun, love - the dragon pyramid holds a secret for the new world ...
Thanks to light science, the music here is made visible in a unique way by means of water oscillation and water crystal images. In this way, the sound in all its aspects can be perceived not only through the ears but also through the eyes as colour, structure, shape and essence. The fascination and beauty of this fusion can unfold here in its full sensual dimension.
The song is embedded in two important Vedic mantras, the Vyahruti and the Om Tryambakam.
The fire ritual is the Vedic Agnihotra fire.
I´m very happy that Wolfgang Puschnig, the most famous Austrian jazz musician, is featuring the song with his reed flute!
It would be a great honour for me and Aranda if we could contribute with this song to enrich the fantastic work at Visoko!
PS: We are holding the copyright for the music and for all images (with the exception of the Pyramid of the Sun).
Link to youtube video:
Visoko – “Valley of the Pyramids”
Vyahruti Mantra
I honor the earth that is under Agni (the lord of the sacred fire). I surrender to Him.
I honor the space that is under Vayu (the lord of the cosmic breath). I surrender to Him.
I honor heaven, which is under Surya (the lord of the highest light who created everything).
I surrender to Him.
I honor the earth, space and heaven which are all subject to Prajapati (the creator of all living beings). I surrender to Him.
German text
- Oh you, great dragon, we want to say thank you,
That you guarded and protected the other four,
Now spread your wings, develop your strength,
Spit fire into the water, now you create the new!
- I thank you from the bottom of my heart, my dear little mother,
For everything you give me, day in and day out,
How wonderful it is when I feel the earth again
When I notice what I've missed, don't lose myself anymore.
- Oh moon, how shall I withdraw myself
Soft are you, deep and mystical, mysteriously beautiful,
Oh, help all people to discover the space within themselves,
by looking deep in quietness ...
- Oh sun, you cover the whole world with peace,
Through you, everyone now feels what has weight, what matters,
You are my door to the source, you bring me to my father,
Oh sun, you my center, my eternal light!
- Oh goddess of love, you most powerful dream,
Only you teach us to respect the sacred space!
Tryambakam Mantra
O Lord, I worship you through the sacred fire, whose sweet scent permeates all three spheres of the universe (earth, space and sky) and nourishes everything to create abundance and well-being. Let me be connected to the almighty power through Agni, through whose grace alone I can be released from the chains of my own actions (karma). Like the fruit from the vine, deliver me from death and grant me the nectar of immortality.
This song was written during a magical journey into the valley of the Bosnian pyramids of Visoko, together with my companion Aranda.
While four of the five pyramids symbolize the fundamental aspects of life - earth, moon, sun, love - the dragon pyramid holds a secret for the new world ...
Thanks to light science, the music here is made visible in a unique way by means of water oscillation and water crystal images. In this way, the sound in all its aspects can be perceived not only through the ears but also through the eyes as colour, structure, shape and essence. The fascination and beauty of this fusion can unfold here in its full sensual dimension.
The song is embedded in two important Vedic mantras, the Vyahruti and the Om Tryambakam.
The fire ritual is the Vedic Agnihotra fire.
Voices – Michael Paumgarten/Eva Maria Egarter, Mihael Strniša
Reed flute – Wolfgang Puschnig (Carinthia)
Music – Michael Paumgarten (Carinthia)/Guglielmo Rubino (Naples)
German text – Michael Paumgarten
Photos – Aranda (South Tyrol-Italy)
Video – Guglielmo Rubino
Mixing and recording – Recording studio PARTDOTLIFE (Andreas Kurrent-Austria)
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Healing Testimonial: Gabriel Rasteli from Italy has experienced beneficial effects of the pyramid energy in Visoko, Bosnia.