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Megalithic and Pyramid sites researcher Dr Sam Osmanagich talks to the groups from Sweden, Netherland and Hungary about the true history of the mankind and gods.

"The Relationship of Light, Ether and Akasha"

Sunday, 25 September 2022 13:22 Published in News


In all translations of ancient knowledge, the phenomenon of akasha is identified with ether and akasha with subtle-energetic phenomena such as orgon, prana, chi, etc. That means that the ether, indirectly, is also identified with the same phenomena such as orgone, prana, etc. - which is absolutely wrong.

Akasha is the Sanskrit word for the unmanifested, primordial absolute substrate and source of energy for material manifestation.


Sunday, 25 September 2022 13:14 Published in News

Great Britain's Ambassador to Bosnia and Herzegovina Julian Reilly, accompanied by his wife Bojana, paid a private visit to the Ravne complex in Visoko in September 2022.

Their host was the director of the Foundation "Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun" and the discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids, Dr. Sam Osmanagich. During the several-hour stay, he showed the guests the Museum of the Foundation, the Prehistoric Ravne Underground Labyrinth and the "Archaeological-Tourist Park Ravne 2".

In doing so, they had the opportunity to greet numerous visitors from several countries.






Video clip from Visit to Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids 2014

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