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Festival “Rytham and You”

Saturday, 13 August 2022 16:41 Published in News

Please join the Rhythm and You community of artists in Visoko and Park Ravne 2 for the Rhythm and You: Festival of Art, August 12th and 13th from 18:00. Musicians and Painters from the United States, Germany, and Serbia will join to bridge music and art cultures in Bosnia. Video and sound will be recorded at location with guests to build a web series documenting the international artists' adventure to the Bosnian Pyramids.  Content creators are invited to join and collaborate with video submissions at www.rhythmandyou.com . Content creation is our goal and a Fashion show is included.  Come join our stories!

-John Adams, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Sam, a tireless researcher, is the Indiana Jones of the 21st Century. Author of numerous books, anthropologist, scientist, archaeologist, philanthropist and more. Here he talks about what is going on at this moment in time, why it is happening and how we can move away from it to a better place. Find Sam at the Archaeological Park and the Pyramid of the Sun in Visoko, Bosnia http://piramidasunca.ba/eng/

The Facts : In 2005, a huge pyramid complex consisting of 11 structures was discovered in Bosnia. One of the structures is larger than the pyramid of Giza. The majority of scientists engaged in study have little or no doubt that these structures are authentic.
To think about: If these are indeed authentic and not just naturally occurring constructs, what are the consequences? Pyramid structures larger than those in Egypt and possibly much older, would change everything we think we know about our past. And this is just one example.

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Video clip from Visit to Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids 2014

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