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Scalar waves, Prana and Jiva

Friday, 30 June 2023 17:46 Published in News

1. Introduction

According to all my many years of theoretical and practical research - the knowledge of ancient civilizations has greatly exceeded our current knowledge, both in the scientific and in the metaphysical domain, as evidenced by my numerous texts [e.g. 1, 2]. But - certain "God's Chosen Ones" inspired by the perfection of Creation still managed to occasionally, during evolution, convey to us part of the eternal truths and high knowledge from the "Cosmic Library”, the Morphogenetic Field or the Akashic Records…

One of them was Nikola Tesla, undoubtedly the greatest intuitive genius of this civilization, who was certainly one of the first scientists of this civilization who seriously approached the knowledge of ancient peoples.

The logical agreement, harmony and numerous analogies between the axiomatic principles of Sankhya with the experimentally verified parameters of modern physics, the expected values of the Quantized Energy Density Model [1] and - especially - Nikola Tesla's cosmology, are very reliable arguments that indicate the real possibility of realizing all Tesla's ideas - includingthe most controversial ones! For me, there is no doubt that they will be realized - but only when (and if) that civilization manages to achieve a sufficiently high level of awareness that will make such events realistic and possible.In any case, it is quite certain that Tesla's technologies will be the basis of all technologies of the 21st century, which, along with a better knowledge of natural energy phenomena, would contribute to a significant improvement in human health and the living conditions of mankind.

But - in order to understand Tesla's original statements based on etheric technologies, which - due to the arrogance and ignorance of official science - have been "pushed" into the domain of esotericism for a whole century, we must - in addition to the material, accept the very real existence of the spiritual aspect of our reality - and this is only possible by "uniting science and spirituality" and bringing their views of the SAME REALITY closer together from opposing aspects. The synthesis of scientific and spiritual knowledge embodied in the Model of Quantized Energy Densities, through observed analogies, symmetry and harmony between the material and spiritual aspects of reality offers us a really beautiful, very simple and logical structure of Absolute Reality, the possibility of a better understanding of individual entities and interacting mechanisms in the structure of the Absolute, which consists of an immense wealth of manifested and unmanifested, material-spiritual phenomena - that infinite ocean of various frequencies, vibrations, divine super-substance from which all things are made, from which allforms and lives.

The holographic structure of the fractal type of our Reality implies the existence of analogies so that Tesla's famous sentence: "Considering light as a sound wave...", with which he begins his calculation of ether parameters really makes sense but also has a realistic physical basis.…The established correlations and hierarchy of "sub-photonic phenomena" in this paper significantly clarify the "image" of Absolute Reality, but also indicate the EXTREMELY great importance of Nikola Tesla's legacy of his Ether Technologies.



Friday, 30 June 2023 17:36 Published in News
By: Drago Plečko, Zagreb
Thought blocks can affect the health of the body, so you should be careful not to repeat negative wordings


The onset of cancer, degenerative diseases but also fears and depression is linked to literally tens of billions of chemical reactions of incomprehensible speed. There are whole layers of defense biochemical mechanisms for recovery of damage caused in the body if they are not extremely devastating, such as, for example, strong radioactive radiation.
So it is almost impossible to imagine that disorders that lead to fatal and permanent errors in the body are all down to molecules.

The fantastic coordination in the chemistry of cancer can also be influenced by higher order intelligence, for which the factor is consciousness. How consciously no one decides that they want to be sick at work is an obvious subconscious which, unlike consciousness, is active 24 hours a day and manages as much as 95% of our lives.

Why the subconscious mind? To get at least a superficial idea of the power of that greatest enigma of all time, let's say that the number of atoms in the entire visible universe is 1 with 80 more zeros. If we add just 6 zeros we'll get the number of atoms in a million universes! In order to get the number of possible star layouts in that universe or the number of states in the neurons of our brain, we should print zeros behind the number 1 continuously for the entire human life!

What are the potential impulses that can boost the process of prolonged self-destruction according to the findings of the followers of the theory of connection of the body fate and stress buried deep in the unconscious part of our personality?

Every organ has its answer in our psyche which rarely triggers a reaction to the circumstances in which it is in for a while.
The skin is an organ located on the border between us and the outside world. According to this understanding, disturbances in our communication with the environment and the inability to adapt to new external challenges may lead in some people to skin diseases such as melanoma. Which has tripled in the last few years which perhaps says more about the situation in society and human consciousness than the dangers of the sun and pollution.
Why is breast cancer on the rise terribly? As the Latin name for that organ "mom" says, subconsciously it could be a loss of a healthy emotional connection with the maternal, gentle, yin principle. As some say in distance from Cosmic Mother, the basic feminine principle.
Lung diseases such as cancer in people who have never smoked, asthma, COPD can have their trigger in the symbolic feeling that a person is "suffocated by the surroundings" and that "pressures are such that he cannot breathe".
Thus stomach and bowel diseases are linked to the definition of life situation expressed in the common formula "I can't digest that".
Tongue and throat are organs of verbal communication, so the disturbances that appear in these locations can at least partly explain the growing inability to understand the environment. Easterners call it "blockade of vishuddhi chakra" although I disagree with the definition.
Often heart problems are associated with unconscious self-destructive attitudes related to love like "no one loves me" or "I don't deserve love".
There is a significant increase in prostate and thyroid diseases. In the first case it is about the feeling of "biological superfluous" and in the second the name itself says it all. A prolonged feeling of unprotectedness due to, for example, bullying at work or an uncertain marriage dominates.
One way or another, the connection between our mental content and external consequences is reflected in harmless phrases. The mind and the body are connected and one influences the other. The language is bizarre but achievable.
Contrary to widespread belief, complex sentence formulations and affirmations, binaural beats, the necessity to mention "I" in the first place, the domination of alpha waves are not effective enough approaches when it comes to the subconscious. Although by inertia they are still used in conscious and subliminal formulas.

The latest findings suggest that genes respond best to non-verbal stimulus, a single word or vibration. Maharishi believed that the manifestation of impulses at the deepest levels of organ-level consciousness requires 15 seconds and the basic measure used in the Vedas is 144 seconds. However, the strongest action is achieved when the rhythms of vibration on an unconscious level coincide with some sets of natural numbers.

If this is applicable at the level of an individual, cures from severe diseases and resolutions of the most severe crises are possible, and prevention against diseases that come due to the above mentioned injured thought prints are in perspective. Recently, I experienced in practice an interesting demonstration of an almost instant crisis resolution in a person who has been struggling with his problem for many years, using only a j e d n e subliminal message:

... Listening to your CD helped me incredibly, because not only did some suppressed emotions immediately erupted (primarily deeply repressed anger and rage, disappointment... ) than I finally let it go, and I was convinced that I was already done with them a long time ago.. (N.S.)

Undoubtedly behind this structure there is a plan that stretches very far into the future and we cannot predict it but we can only watch it unraveling like a carpet. Just like the people of the Middle Ages could never imagine what we call progress today, neither can we in the future. But one thing seems certain - our body is a map of our consciousness.

I was surprised that the unconscious part of us did not first mention Freud but - Plotinus





Video clip from Visit to Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids 2014

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