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Almost everyone has heard of the Great Egyptian Pyramids of Giza, the oldest-known of which was built around 2600 BC; most people in the West have heard of England’s Stonehenge, believed to have been constructed somewhere between 3000 BC to 2000 BC; and some may even have heard of Newgrange in Ireland (Sí an Bhrú in Irish), a grand passage tomb built around 3200 BC. But very few people know about Central Europe’s ‘roundels’ – Neolithic circular enclosures, the construction of which between 4600 – 4900 BC makes them far older than all of the more famous prehistoric sites mentioned above. Radio Prague International spoke to archaeologist Jaroslav Řídký about these ancient structures.

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Courtesy of Gaia -  In this  https://www.gaia.com/series/damanhur-journey-through-time Crotalo Sesamo, an ambassador from the Damanhur Federation, to discuss their mission of helping people realize their full potential and bring about a new golden age of humankind - As a civilization, Atlantis reached the pinnacle of human achievement in spirituality and technology. That all came crashing down when the leaders began to rule with their egos, not from the values that made Atlantis so great. The tale does not end there. Masters of Atlantean wisdom narrowly escaped the destruction and secretly brought their teachings to the burgeoning colonies of humankind now struggling to survive on a planet no longer ideally suited to sustain life. Crotalo Sesamo, recounts the fall of Atlantis as depicted through the artwork of Dovilio Brero, who was able to visit Atlantis. What we find is that the mistakes made by the rulers of Atlantis are have been repeated by human civilizations many times. It seems that the challenges we face today bear a striking similarity to the ones that brought about the end of Atlantis. Have we learned from these lessons from Atlantis or will we be doomed to repeat their mistakes with the same catastrophic consequences?

Discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids and Principal Investigator of the Project (2005 to present). Ph.D. on Mayan pyramids, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina (2007). Director of Center for Archaeology at American University in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Founder of “Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun” Foundation, Sarajevo (2005 to present). Foreign member of Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Moscow, Russia (2007) and Croatian Academy of Science and Art in Diaspora, Basel, Switzerland (2015). Author of 16 books on pyramids around the world and ancient civilizations, translated into 17 languages (1986 to present).

First “Honorable citizen” of the town of Visoko (2006). “Man of the Year” in BosniaHerzegovina (2007). Recipient of the United States Congressional Certificate of Recognition (2013) “for continuous support in promoting cultural and economic independence for people new to the USA.” First honoree of the Amelia B. Edwards Award for “outstanding research and advancement of knowledge of pyramids around the world”, Chicago, USA (2016). Awarded “Diamond in the Pyramid Science”, Bengaluru, India (2016) “for having done exceptional outstanding fundamental work in creating basic awareness for the Pyramid energy power”.

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Video clip from Visit to Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids 2014

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