U tunelima Ravne temperatura je oko 13 stupnjeva Celzijusa. Osobno pretpostavljam da se radi o temperaturi nestarenja – slično kao kod banana u prijevozu brodovima hladnjačama (frigo-ships) po svjetskim morima. Štoviše, mislim da bi onaj vic zašto se čovjek spustio sa stabla („jer mu je ispala banana!“) trebalo nadopuniti: zbog temperature! Miroslav Krleža je otprilike rekao: „Među ljudima smrdi, ali je toplo“. Dodajmo: i nikako ne bi trebalo biti pretoplo.
Evo nekih možda korisnih podataka (i pripadajućih linkova):
“13.3 degrees Celsius – that's the magic number when it comes to transporting bananas. If the air temperature exceeds this value during the transport, the fruit begins to mature and arrives at the consumer brown and mushy.“
“13,3°C; optimum temperatures for storage and holding of green bananas are 13,2°C to 14,0°C.“
“SHOCK TREATMENT - Delivery air is lowered to about +12°C until RAT of +13°C is being reached.“
“Green bananas are shipped at a pulp temperature range of 56 to 58°F (13 to 14°C); temperatures below 56°F (13°C) may cause chilling injury within 2 to 24 hours, depending on the cultivar, maturity stage, and temperature (the lower the temperature, the faster chilling injury will occur). Under-skin tissue browning is an early symptom of chilling injury.“
“Bananas are kept at a temperature from 11 to 18 °C (optimum temperature is 14 °C), a lower temperature or draught may cause damage to bananas.“ (str. 63).