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The phenomenal reception of Dr. Osmanagich in Bahrain

The phenomenal reception of Dr. Osmanagich in Bahrain

The discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids, director of the Foundation ‘Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun’ , author and researcher, academic Dr. Sam Osmanagich was on a five-day visit to the Kingdom of Bahrain ... Read more



Tonight we explore the fascinating wonder of the Bosnian Pyramid. Our guest, Dr Sam Osmanagich is the Discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids and the Founder and Director of the “Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Su... Read more

Top archaeologist’s lecture today

Top archaeologist’s lecture today

A renowned archaeologist will delve into ground-breaking discoveries, explore ancient mysteries and discuss the science behind his research during a lecture this evening. Dr Semir Osmanagic, widely known for his work on ... Read more

Chapter 42: Introducing Pyramid Power with Dr. Semir Osmanagich (Austr…

Chapter 42: Introducing Pyramid Power with Dr. Semir Osmanagich (Australian Tour)

For our first Online Event for 2025 we are Introducing Dr Sam's upcoming Australian Tour ... Unique opportunity to meet in person, on Australian ground, one of the pioneers of pyramids and megaliths structures research. ... Read more




„Tumulus” in Vratnica

A rounded tumulus-like hill is located just 4 kilometers from the Bosnian Pyramid Valley. Ground-penetrating radar measurements have shown several stone terraces and underground passageways... More


Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun

With its height of over 220 meters, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is the biggest structure of the ancient times. Triangular pyramid faces are perfectly oriented towards the cardinal More


Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun

With its height of over 220 meters, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is the biggest structure of the ancient times. Triangular pyramid faces are perfectly oriented towards the cardinal More


Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon is over 190 meters high. It is a three-sided pyramid (North-West-South) with Eastern paved causeways that are 150 m long... More


Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon is over 190 meters high. It is a three-sided pyramid (North-West-South) with Eastern paved causeways that are 150 m long... More


Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon is over 190 meters high. It is a three-sided pyramid (North-West-South) with Eastern paved causeways that are 150 m long... More


Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon is over 190 meters high. It is a three-sided pyramid (North-West-South) with Eastern paved causeways that are 150 m long... More


Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon

The Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon is over 190 meters high. It is a three-sided pyramid (North-West-South) with Eastern paved causeways that are 150 m long... More


Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun

With its height of over 220 meters, the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun is the biggest structure of the ancient times. Triangular pyramid faces are perfectly oriented towards the cardinal More


Underground pre-historical lab

The entrance to the underground tunnel complex “Ravne” is over 2.5 km away from the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.--- More


Underground „KTK” tunnels

The entrance to the underground tunnel “KTK” is just 1 km south from the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun. The cleaned and secured section of the tunnel is located between More



Bosnian pyramids of the Sun

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Video clip from Visit to Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids 2014

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