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Artificial conical hill just 5 km from the pyramid site. It was constructed using combination of two-layer megalithic blocks, clay and concrete. Its height is 32 meters above the road level. Megalithic blocks reach mass of more than 10 tons.
According to the geo-radar screening (2007) done by German geophysicists, number of underground tunnels were located. Geological core drilling (2009) produced the following results: 54-56 meters underground concrete was found (ceiling?), 56-59 meters hollow space (chamber?), 59-61 meter concrete (foundation?), and 61-70 meters sandstone layers (natural). Analysis of concrete sample done in France (2009) has shown presence of geopolymer cement used as an artificial binder.
Team of Croatian physicists detected (2010) electromagnetic phenomenon – energy beam of 28 kHz at the top of tumulus. Existence of energy beam in this pre-historical structure are becoming tourist attraction.