Name: Underground Labyrinth “Ravne”, Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina
Description: Pre-historical network of underground tunnels and chambers
Discovery: Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, Ph.D., August 2005
First reference: Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, book: “Bosanska piramida Sunca, Otkrice prve europske piramide” (“Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, Discovery of the First European Pyramid), Sarajevo, October 2005. Author hypothesized that there existed an ancient underground labyrinth under the Bosnian pyramids in Visoko. Until then, it was considered a natural cave.
Further references: Dr. Sam Semir Osmanagich, book: “Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids”, Sarajevo, 2006; “Pyramids around the World”, Sarajevo, 2010; “Pyramids around the World & Lost Pyramids of Bosnia”, Sarajevo, 2011
International Validation: (1) First International Scientific Conference on Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids, August 26-31, 2008, Sarajevo, ICBP 2008 Conclusions from the Conference Proceedings: “Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids (with underground tunnels Ravne) is an archaeological phenomena”; (2) Second International Conference on Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids, September 2011, Visoko, ICBP 2011 Conclusions: “Underground Labyrinth “Ravne” is pre-historical network of underground tunnels and chambers”
Project Management: Non-profit Foundation “Archaeological park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun”, registered for cultural heritage protection, archaeological research and archaeological tourism by State Ministry of Justice in 2005
Project documentation: Foundation was investor for the project documentation which was done by experts of Coal Mining facility “Breza” and submitted to the Federal Government
Permissions: Foundation has received permissions to explore Underground Labyrinth from Regional Ministry of Forestry who’s the owner of the land, Regional Ministry for Culture for archaeological work in period 2006-2010 and Permanent permission for inter-disciplinary scientific work from Regional Government in 2011
Status: Foundation has been running the excavation project from 2005 to present and will continue to do so.
Radiocarbon dating: Foundation has had organic material tested in radiocarbon labs in Poland, Germany and Sweden and it was determined the following: (1) tunnels are built in the conglomerate which started forming over 32.000 years ago; (2) Tunnel builders built the complex over 12.000 years ago, (3) Civilization who closed the tunnels with the fill in material did it over 4.600 years ago
Location of the entrance: Entrance is located 2,5 km from the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.
Goal: To clean existing pre-historical tunnels leading to the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun.
Safety: Foundation receives Technical and safety acceptance from the Commission formed from three mining engineers on yearly basis.
Work: Foundation regularly do measurements of basic properties (temperature, humidity, electromagnetism, presence of poisonous gasses, negative ionization, air flow, water microbiological and chemical analysis, etc.) and clean and secure tunnels.
Tourism: Foundation promotes archaeological tourism on its locations and Underground Labyrinth “Ravne” is one of the most attractive locations of the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids.
Cooperation: Foundation is open for the cooperation with scientific, educational, independent, alternative and spiritual groups and individuals under two conditions: non-destructional research and result sharing with the Foundation so it can be shared to the public.