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On June 20-21, we held a solstice meditation where we connected 8 Pyramid families from around the world; Pyramid for Light in the Philippines, the Pyramid of Chi in Indonesia, the Sahasrara Pyramid at Quantum Life University in India, the Bosnian Pyramids in Bosnia-Herzegovina, the Tomsk Pyramid in Russie, the Great Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, Summerhill Pyramid in Canada, the Pyramids of Teotihuacán in Mexico and the Global Pyramid Network in USA.

This planetary meditation was a great success thanks to everyone to everyone who participated directly or indirectly. We’re excited to report a tremendous increase in frequencies within the Global Pyramid Network, which, in synergy with other sacred sites and families, energizes our dear Planet Earth for the greater good of all.

From the moment we sent the letter of intention and invitation for this solstice meditation, the harmonic levels of the entire network began to rise, and they still continue to grow showing a 12-fold increase between June 2 – 26, resulting in an overall uplift of 4879% between 10-01-2022 and 26-06-2024, which is so impressive!

We invite you all to keep nurturing this powerful planetary grid by connecting to its energies in your thoughts, and by sending your intentions of Love and Peace to all of Humanity. This collective mobilization is essential to help our world in its ongoing transformation towards greater Light. We also plan to continue this initiative that started in 2022 and to keep uniting the Pyramid network of families worldwide. Once we have more information, we will naturally share this with you all.

Our affectionate thoughts are with you, as well as those of the entire Pyramid Network.

Team Pyramid for Light Foundation

Thursday, 18 July 2024 18:45

This water is said to have been exposed to the mystical energy of those supposedly ancient pyramids, and to vibrate at a different frequency to other waters. Pyramid water is apparently about so much more than the physical benefits.

MORE >>>

Thursday, 18 July 2024 18:30

Thursday, 20.06.2024.


12:00 – 12:30 Introduction & Art Program: John Adams

12:30 – 14:00 Start Music and Dance: DJ Q & Craig Beacham

14:00 – 15:00 Bosnian Locals: Band Night

15:00 – 16:00 Italian Rock, Fabio Gugliemino (It)

16:00 – 17:00 Guided Meditation & Natural Laws, Todd Strickland (USA)

17:00 – 18:00 Dance Workshop: WAZN by Emeel Safie

18:00 - 19:00 American Urban Showcase: Artz, Zakarot, Occhio

19:00 – 20:00 Rhythm & You Exhibition

20:00 – 21:00 Dance & Paint with the community


Friday, 21.06.2024.

10:30 – 11:30 Yoga with Lisa Jansen (Canada), Meditation platform, Magic Forest

12:00 – 13:00 Guided meditation in Green Crystal Pyramid, Alma Sarvan

12:00 – 14:00 Lecture "Synchronicity as the norm of our life" Jelena Damjanović, MD, PhD in the Cinema Hall

13:00 – 14:00 International Yoga Day "Hatha yoga" with Adisa in the Magic Forest, Meditation Platform

14:00 – 15:00 Promotion of the book "Zen" by Galib Drakovac in the Cinema Hall

15:00 – 16:00 Sound Check

16:00 – 22:00 Fair of handicrafts and souvenirs

16:00 – 19:00 Premiere of the film "Tunnel Vision, Eye of Eternity" and lecture, Sussan Griffith-Jones at the Cinema Hall

20:00 – 22:00 Concert by Đejla Ramović, Concert Stage


Saturday, 22.06.2024.

10:30 – 11:30 Yoga with Lisa Jansen (Canada), Meditation platform, Magic Forest

11:00 – 12:00 Evolution of homeopathic treatment – “​​from male impulse to female creativity” Dr of medicine and homeopathy Gordana Bojanić, at the Cinema hall (in Bosnian Language)

12:00 – 13:00 Guided meditation in Green Crystal Pyramid, Alma Sarvan

12:00 – 15:00 Lecture "Day of Natural Medicine: Interactive lectures and practical examples" Dr. Dragan Marinković, Cinema Hall (in Bosnian language)

15:00 – 16:00 Sound Check

16:00 – 22:00 Fair of handicrafts and souvenirs

16:00 – 17:00 Group meditation and healing in thePark, Vedran Mikuličić

17:00 – 18:00 Promotion of seven "Real History"books by Dr. Sam Osmanagich PhD. at the Cinema Hall (in English Language)

20:00 - 22:00 Goca Tržan concert, at the ConcertStage

Sunday, 23.06.2024.

12:00 – 13:00 Guided meditation in Green Crystal Pyramid, Alma Sarvan

13:00 – 14:00 Lecture "Zen" Galib Drakovac at the Cinema Hall

16:00 – 18:00 Tribute group “Prava stvar” to Čola, at the Concert Stage


Wednesday, 19 June 2024 09:19

Walter welcomes the Bosnian pyramid expert, Dr S Osmanagich to discuss the curious origin and meaning of the fascinating structures in Bosnia.

Tuesday, 18 June 2024 12:00

Exciting season in the Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids this year.

Volunteers have started their work already. They will be active from June 3 to October 18, 2024. First they will start with the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, then Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon and tumulus in village Vratnica, but most work will be focused on newly discovered ‘Ravne 6’ tunnel.

Summer Solstice Festival will be held in the park ‘Ravne 2’ from June 20 – June 23, 2024. Yoga sessions, meditations, workshops and evening concerts every night will be held.

Discoverer of the Bosnian Pyramids and author Dr Sam Osmanagich will have several book promotions this season, both in Bosnian and English language. Editions of the English books will be held as follow: June 22nd, July 13th and August 3rd.

Tennis tradition will be continued this year, as well. Mid of July will bring WTA ranked senior female tennis players from Serbia, Bosnia and Croatia to Visoko. Top women tennis will be played from July 16-20, 2024.

Damanhur Federation from Italy will install double-spiral in the park on July 13th. Presentation about the federation and concert will follow in the evening hours.

First week of September is reserved for the Seventh International Scientific Conference on Bosnian Pyramids. Physicists and engineers will be bringing their scientific instruments to measure different energy phenomena on pyramids, tumulus and tunnels. In the evening hours they will be having public lectures with the results in English. Experts are coming from Russia, Serbia, Croatia, Denmark and Bosnia-Herzegovina.

Two movie premiers of award-winning documentaries by dr Sam Osmanagich are coming toward the end of the summer. First, movie about the park ‘Ravne 2’ called ‘Miracle in the Hearth of Bosnia’ (August 31st), and then ‘Searching for the Garden of Eden – Kingdom of Bahrain’ (September 21st).

Monday, 10 June 2024 09:46

A new volunteer season has started in Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina organized by the Foundation 'Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun'. The duration is from June 3 to October 18, 2024. In the past 15 years, a total of 3,750 volunteers from 64 countries and 6 continents have volunteered at the Bosnian pyramids, making this project the most active archaeological site in the world.

Volunteers will spend most of their activities this year in the prehistoric underground tunnels of Ravne. Volunteering in the newly discovered 'Ravne 6' tunnels will bring special excitement.

Previously, as every year, volunteers will work on cleaning the existing archaeological probes in the pyramids and the tumulus to familiarize themselves with the various locations where the Foundation has worked since 2006.

The volunteers spent the first week cleaning the old archaeological probe number 6, which is located at the foot of the northern side of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, outside the protected zone of the Old Town of Visoki.

The concrete blocks were covered with soil, clay and vegetation that had fallen on this probe in the past years. After the first five days, the oldest and best quality concrete saw the light of day again. This probe is located in a great position with a beautiful view of the city of Visoko.

In the coming weeks, the volunteers will clean the other archaeological probes located on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon and the tumulus in Vratnica, and after that they will move to the tunnels 'Ravne 3' and 'Ravne 6'. There, under the guidance of the Foundation's archaeologists, they will work to uncover the tunnels where the humans have not set foot in thousands of years.

Monday, 10 June 2024 09:03

'The whole is greater than the sum of its parts', a timeless wisdom that deeply resonates as we’re paving new ways towards a more human and heart-felt living despite the upheaval. Together, we are holding the key to support this important transformational shift within us and all around.

When Brother Aloja visited the Bosnian Pyramids in 2014, he channeled the Guardian Spirit ‘Saralomé’ while meditating at the giant megalithic stone inside its tunnels. In her message, she explained that in ancient times, the Pyramid facilitated the connection with the Cosmos, the Earth and a whole Pyramid network to maintain a high vibrational energy across planet Earth. Knowing that darker times were approaching, they closed and sealed off these cosmic-telluric gateways to safeguard its sacred powers. “Soon, she said, this Pyramid network will be restored and activated in connection with the Pyramid for Light”.

We are increasingly learning about this powerful energy grid especially when we combine the heart’s higher vibration with the amplifying forces of the Pyramids that are built on all major Earth’s ley-lines. In 2022 during a 6 month online retreat involving 8 Pyramids worldwide, we jointly raised the BSC (Bovis Sacred Connection) energies with 953% !

Solstice gathering
Just before the summer solstice on June 20 at 20.00 hrs CET which coincides with the full moon, we invite you all to gather, placing the heart’s intention to feel and visualize love, unity and peace. Groups from the Pyramid for Light, Pyramid of Quantum Life University in India, Chi Pyramids in Indonesia, Tomsk Pyramids in Russia, Bosnian Pyramids in Bosnia-Herzegovina, Pyramid of Giza in Egypt, Summerhill Pyramid in Canada, Teotichuacán Pyramid in Mexico will either directly or consciously connect with us to collectively amplify the field. When we combine our hearts' qualities with the Pyramids network, we emit a very potent electromagnetic field that spreads a healing wave across the entire planet.

Friday, 07 June 2024 12:19

Dr. Heather Lynn welcomes Dr. Sam Osmanagich, the founder of the Bosnian Pyramid Project. Dr. Osmanagich is a renowned researcher and author who has dedicated his career to uncovering the mysteries of ancient civilizations. His work on the Bosnian pyramids has garnered international attention and sparked significant debate in the archaeological community. In this episode, we explore: - The origins and discoveries surrounding the Bosnian pyramids - The debate between natural formations and man-made structures - Comparisons with other pyramids around the world, from the landscapes of Bosnia to the deserts of Egypt and the jungles of Mexico - The concept of pyramids as ancient power plants or energetic centers

Friday, 07 June 2024 11:57

The week after the Grand Slam in Wimbledon is traditionally the time for top tennis events to be held at the Regional Center for the Preparation of Top Tennis Players in the park 'Ravne 2' in Visoko.

We remind you that on July 13, 2022, the tennis stadium was opened by the best player in the world, Novak Djokovic, in the company of the best Slovenian tennis player, Aljaž Bedene, the best doubles player from the region, Ivan Dodig, and Bosnia and Herzegovina. representative Aldin Šetkić.

In July 2023, the international 'Pyramid Cup' was held in the presence of nine of the best B&H. tennis players, and competitors from Germany, Montenegro and Macedonia. The winner of the cup was Bosnian national team member Nerman Fatić.

In July 2024, the international Pyramid Cup for senior women will be held. All WTA ranked players have the right to perform. For now, players from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia and Croatia have been registered. Qualifications are scheduled for 16-17. July 2024, and the main tournament for 18.-20. July 2024

The organizer of the tournament is the company "Bosnian Pyramids, Inc.". The partners are the Tennis Association of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Olympic Committee of Bosnia and Herzegovina. It will be played on a hard surface, which is the best quality field of its kind in the region.

Applications are open until the end of June 2024.

Organizer is paying for all costs (transportation from the region, accommodation, meals). Money awards are as follow:

First place: 3.000 euro

Second place: 2.000 euro

Third place: 1.500 euro

Fourth place: 1.000 euro

Fifth to Eight place: 500 euro

Wednesday, 05 June 2024 08:51




August 30, 2024

Arrival to Sarajevo International Airport, transfer to Visoko, welcome dinner

August 31, 2024

Daily Tour, visit to Belvedere, Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, Foundation Museum, Ravne tunnel and park Ravne 2, late afternoon hours: world premiere of the documentary movie ‘Miracle in the Heart of Bosnia’ (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C4brXtAuoSI).

September 1, 2024

Daily Tour, visit to Tumulus in Vratnica, Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon, ‘Ravne 3’ and ‘Ravne 6’ tunnel, meditation in Ravne tunnel

September 2, 2024

Measurements on top of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun with the physicists and engineers, lecture in the afternoon hours: Anthropologist Dr Sam Osmanagich (Bosnia-Herzegovina): ‘Bosnian Pyramids as Ancient Technology’

September 3, 2024

Measurements at the Tumulus in Vratnica village with the physicists and engineers, lecture in the afternoon hours: Telecommunication Engineer Goran Marjanović (Serbia): ‘Pyramids and Scalar Waves’

September 4, 2024

Measurements in the prehistorical underground tunnel ‘Ravne’ with the physicists and engineers, lecture in the afternoon hours: Physicist Professor Dr Konstantin Korotkov (Russia): ‘Pyramid Energy Comparation: Egypt, Mexico, Bosnia’

September 5, 2024

Measurements at the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon with the physicists and engineers, lecture in the afternoon hours: Nuclear Physicists Eng. Jesper Johansen (Denmark): ‘Bosnian Pyramids at the molecular level’

September 6, 2024

Measurements it the prehistorical underground tunnel ‘Ravne 6’ with the physicists and engineers, lecture in the afternoon hours: Physicist Dr Zdeslav Hrepić (Croatia): ‘Pyramids and Physics Secrets’

Included in price: Eight days/seven nights package, accommodation in 5-star hotel ‘Vema’ in Visoko, welcome dinner, breakfasts and lunches included, local transportation, tickets to all sites, guided tours, airport transfers, exclusive opportunity to witness all pyramid measurements and communication with the scientists, late afternoon lectures, unique hospitality in the most beautiful park in Europe.

Excluded: Air-tickets to/from Sarajevo airport, insurance, dinners.

Price: 1.690 euro, ½, one person in double room; 1.990 euro, single accommodation 1/1





Information and reservation: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Web sites: www.bosnianpyramids.ba, www.parkravne2.com

Thursday, 30 May 2024 10:50
By: Sabine Polterman
In 2005 Semir Osmanagić discovered "the largest and oldest pyramid on our planet" in Visoko, Bosnia.
Analyses of fossilised leaves between the building blocks of the pyramid date the age of the pyramid to 30.000 years old. 
Our official history says the first developed civilisation was Mesopotamia , 4000 BC. According to the same official history, the only civilisations who built pyramids are Egyptians and the Mesoamerican cultures and none of them is older than 4000 years. 

Since the discovery of the first pyramid in Bosnia, multiple other pyramids have been identified in the area and a large underground tunnel system has been excavated.  Despite the evidence of the presence of the pyramids and the healing frequencies in the tunnel system the scientific world calls their existence a hoax.

How old is this pyramid valley?
Who built it?
Why was it built?

I have recently spent a week in the pyramid valley and read the Akashic Records of all of the sites and I have made some interesting discoveries and have answers to all the questions above. Listen to this episode to learn who's legacy this is. What we can learn from this site and why the scientific world would rather have it disappear.
Tuesday, 21 May 2024 11:11

History, Art, Nature with Dr Sam Osmanagich.

Tour and Cruise in the Adriatic Sea, Croatia.
Wednesday, 08 May 2024 19:51

A person feels that if he knows where these numbers work and what they are the cause of, he perceives the space around him in a different way.

Saturday, 04 May 2024 13:19

On Tuesday, April 30, 2024, at 6:00 p.m., the movie theater in the park ‘Ravne 2’ will be officially opened.

The covered hall was built during the winter and has a capacity of 100 seats. A modern and high-quality display with a length of 3.25 meters and a speaker system are installed. This will become an ideal place for organizing film festivals, book presentations, lectures and similar cultural events.

After the opening, the first film will be shown in the cinema. It is about the hilarious American comedy 'Is there a pilot on the plane?' (Airplane!) with Leslie Nielsen in the lead role. The duration of the film is 87 minutes. The film is in English with a translation (subtitled) to Bosnian language.

We prepared popcorn for the visitors.

The plan is to hold movie nights during warmer evenings.


Monday, 29 April 2024 10:15

Internationally acclaimed researcher and world renowned author, Bosnian Pyramid discoverer

Dr Sam Osmanagich, PhD

is coming to London 

Don’t miss this mind-blowing talk: 

Pyramids around the World as ancient technology 

Bosnian Pyramids being the biggest and the oldest 

How to use the pyramid energy 

Sunday, May 5th, 2024, 5 PM – 8PM 

Venue: Polish Cultural Centre, 238-246 King Street, Hammersmith, London W6 0RF (Tube: Ravenscourt Park – District Lane), Entrance fee: £ 15

Thursday, 25 April 2024 19:30

The discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids, Dr. Sam Osmanagich, continues his world tour promoting the largest and oldest pyramids in the world. In April 2024, his next stop will be the largest city on the west coast of the United States of America – Los Angeles.

In this city, from April 11-14, 2024, four conferences will be held under one roof: BIOMED Expo, AI Expocon, Alien Event and Alchemy Event. Dr. Osmanagić will be the keynote speaker at two events: on artificial intelligence and the future of humanity, and on the possible influence of extraterrestrial civilizations on the construction of pyramids and megalithic sites in the distant past.

More about the program and participants: https://bizton.com/

Sunday, 31 March 2024 19:44

The fourth largest city in Sweden, Uppsala, warmly welcomed the discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids, Dr. Sam Osmanagich. On March 10, 2024, he gave two lectures on the topic of pyramids as energy machines that are still active today. A completely new approach to the research of this phenomenon attracted a lot of attention from the Swedes.

On this occasion, the organizers promoted the Festival called 'Awakened - Love, Peace, Freedom', which will be held in the park 'Ravne 2' in Visoko from 8-10 in August 2024 with the participation of artists, musicians and scientists from different countries.

On this occasion, Dr. Osmanagich also presented his three new books: 'My story', 'Ravne 3 tunnel' and 'My conversation with artificial intelligence'.

In the audience, a third of the visitors had already been to the Bosnian pyramids, and after this promotion, interest was aroused among others to come to the heart of Bosnia.

Tuesday, 12 March 2024 13:38

The discoverer of the Bosnian pyramids and the director of the Foundation 'Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun', Dr. Sam Osmanagich, is starting a tour of eleven European countries. He will visit the following countries: Croatia, Slovenia, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, Belgium, Austria and Serbia.

On that occasion, he will give a large number of interviews, promote the locations of the Bosnian pyramids, tunnels and park, invite guests to visit Visoko and Bosnia and Herzegovina, and promote the new books: 'My story' and 'My communication with artificial intelligence'.

The first stop will be Knin in Croatia on February 29, 2024.


- February 29, 2024, Knin (Croatia), lecture in the Old City Library from 7:00 p.m.

- March 1, 2024, Novo Mesto (Slovenia), lecture in the library of Miran Jarc, from 5:00 p.m.

- March 2, 2024, Nitra (Slovakia), lecture, address Stanična 11, Nitra, 18:00-21:00

- March 3, 2024, Prague (Czech Republic), lecture, Community Center Unitaria, Anenska 186/5, Stare Mesto, Praha, 19:00-21:30

- March 4, filming of the documentary – Mecklenburg megaliths (Germany)

- March 5, filming of the documentary – Nobbin megaliths (Germany)

- 7. -8. March, filming of the documentary – megaliths, Island of Mon (Denmark)

- March 10, lecture Uppsala (Sweden)

- March 11, lecture Uppsala (Sweden)

- March 12, lecture Orebro (Sweden)

- March 13, lecture Gotheburg (Sweden)

- March 14, lecture Malmo (Sweden)

- March 15, lecture Malmo (Sweden)

- March 16. book promotion Copenhagen (Denmark), Bog & Mystik bookstore Valby Langgade 86C, 2500 Copenhagen, 2:00-3:30 p.m.; lecture in the same bookstore 18:00-21:00

- March 17, lecture Copenhagen (Denmark), 17:00-21:00

- March 19 Lecture Bolsward (Netherlands), location: www.apollanja.nl

- March 22 Lecture Beetsterzwaag (Netherlands), location www.lezingsemir.nl

- March 23 Lecture Amsterdam (Netherlands), 13:00-16:00; Schipluiden (Netherlands) www.ophodenpijl.nl

- March 24 Lecture Ingelmunster (Belgium) www.shiva-center.be

- March 25 Lecture Genk-Hasselt (Belgium) www.lifefullness.be

- March 26 Lecture Vienna (Austria), 19:00-21:00

- March 27 Lecture Velenje (Slovenia), library 19:00-21:00

- March 29 Lecture, Hotel Ramonda, Rtanj (Serbia), 19:00-20:00

Saturday, 02 March 2024 09:56






Video clip from Visit to Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids 2014

Copyright 2005- © Fondacija--- “Arheološki park: Bosanska piramida Sunca, Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun Foundation. All rights reserved