A new volunteer season has started in Visoko, Bosnia-Herzegovina organized by the Foundation 'Archaeological Park: Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun'. The duration is from June 3 to October 18, 2024. In the past 15 years, a total of 3,750 volunteers from 64 countries and 6 continents have volunteered at the Bosnian pyramids, making this project the most active archaeological site in the world.
Volunteers will spend most of their activities this year in the prehistoric underground tunnels of Ravne. Volunteering in the newly discovered 'Ravne 6' tunnels will bring special excitement.
Previously, as every year, volunteers will work on cleaning the existing archaeological probes in the pyramids and the tumulus to familiarize themselves with the various locations where the Foundation has worked since 2006.
The volunteers spent the first week cleaning the old archaeological probe number 6, which is located at the foot of the northern side of the Bosnian Pyramid of the Sun, outside the protected zone of the Old Town of Visoki.
The concrete blocks were covered with soil, clay and vegetation that had fallen on this probe in the past years. After the first five days, the oldest and best quality concrete saw the light of day again. This probe is located in a great position with a beautiful view of the city of Visoko.
In the coming weeks, the volunteers will clean the other archaeological probes located on the Bosnian Pyramid of the Moon and the tumulus in Vratnica, and after that they will move to the tunnels 'Ravne 3' and 'Ravne 6'. There, under the guidance of the Foundation's archaeologists, they will work to uncover the tunnels where the humans have not set foot in thousands of years.