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Episode 9: Secrets of the Bosnian Pyramids with Dr. Sam Osmanagich

Dr. Heather Lynn welcomes Dr. Sam Osmanagich, the founder of the Bosnian Pyramid Project. Dr. Osmanagich is a renowned researcher and author who has dedicated his career to uncovering the mysteries of ancient civilizations. His work on the Bosnian pyramids has garnered international attention and sparked significant debate in the archaeological community. In this episode, we explore: - The origins and discoveries surrounding the Bosnian pyramids - The debate between natural formations and man-made structures - Comparisons with other pyramids around the world, from the landscapes of Bosnia to the deserts of Egypt and the jungles of Mexico - The concept of pyramids as ancient power plants or energetic centers

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Last modified on Friday, 07 June 2024 12:03






Video clip from Visit to Bosnian Valley of the Pyramids 2014

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